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Best Time of Year to Drain and Refill a Pool?

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Have you ever thought about the right time to drain and refill your swimming pool? Maintaining a pristine pool isn't just about regular cleaning; it involves understanding the nuances of pool care, including the pivotal task of draining and refilling. Draining a pool, whether for repairs or to refresh water quality, is a significant aspect of pool maintenance. Yet, many pool owners engage with the question of timing: When is it ideal to undertake this task?

This blog sheds light on the best practices for pool drainage and refilling. We'll explore how to drain pool, the considerations for refilling pool water, and the best times to employ in these critical maintenance activities. Whether you're looking to drain and refill a pool or just curious about swimming pool refill techniques, this guide has you covered.

What is Pool Drainage

What is Pool Drainage

Draining your pool, which means removing all the water, is sometimes necessary. Why do this? Well, for repairs, a new finish, deep cleaning, or when the water's quality isn't good anymore.

Choosing the right time to drain and refill your pool is key. It's not a quick task; you need a plan. The best times are usually when the weather is calm. Like you wouldn't fix your roof during a storm, you shouldn't drain your pool at a bad time.

Factors Influencing the Draining Process

Draining your pool is a big task, and there are several key factors to consider to do it right. It's not just about removing the water; it's about doing it safely and efficiently.

  • Time Required: Draining a pool typically takes between 8 to 14 hours. Depending on your pool's size, you should plan for at least a full day.
  • Safety Measures: Always have an adult supervise the draining process. They should regularly check the pumps and the pool to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  • Professional Advice: Consulting a pool service professional is highly recommended. They can provide valuable guidance on the best practices for draining and refilling your pool.

Remember, a well-planned and executed pool drain ensures the safety and longevity of your swimming spot.

Best Time of Year to Drain and Refill a Pool?

Best Time of Year to Drain and Refill a Pool?

Picking the right season to drain and refill your pool is pretty important. Let's break down why spring and fall are usually the best choices:

  • Spring and Fall: These seasons are just right because the weather is mild. It's not too hot or cold, which is perfect for pool work. In spring, you prepare your pool for summer fun, and in fall, prepare it for the cooler months.
  • Avoid After Heavy Rain: Draining your pool right after a lot of rain isn't a good idea. Why? Because the rain makes the groundwater level rise. This can push against your empty pool, causing problems.
  • Watch Out for Water Rates: Sometimes, it's best to avoid draining your pool when your water bill is about to be calculated. This usually happens in the early part of the year. Draining and refilling can use a lot of water; you might see that in your bill.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Drain and Refill a Pool

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Drain and Refill a Pool

Draining and refilling your pool might seem like a big job, but it's easy if you follow these simple steps:

  1. Get Ready: Before you start, ensure you have everything you need. This includes a submersible pump, a hose, and maybe some help from a friend or family member.
  2. Start Draining: Place the submersible pump at the bottom of your pool. Attach the hose to it, and lead the other end to where you want the water to go. Now, turn on the pump. Remember, it takes a while to drain all the water, so plan accordingly.
  3. Check for Repairs: With the water gone, it's a good time to check if your pool needs any fixing. Look for cracks or any damage.
  4. Talk to Local Authorities: Sometimes, there are rules about where you can drain your pool water. It's a good idea to check with your local authorities first.
  5. Refilling the Pool: Once everything's ready, start refilling your pool. Attach a hose to your water source, and put the other end in the pool. Turn on the water and fill it up!
  6. Balancing the Water: After the pool is full, you must balance the water's chemicals. This makes sure your pool is safe for swimming.

Do's and Don'ts When Draining Your Pool

Do's and Don'ts When Draining Your Pool

When it comes to draining your pool, there are some important things to remember to do and not to do. Here's a quick guide to help you out:


  • Do Plan Ahead: Make sure you have enough time to drain and refill your pool. It's not a quick job.
  • Do Keep an Eye on It: While your pool is draining, check it. You want to make sure everything is going smoothly.
  • Do Turn Off the Electricity: Before you start, turn off the electricity to your pool pump and lights. Safety first!


  • Don't Leave It Empty Too Long: An empty pool can be a problem. If it's left empty for too long, the ground around it can shift, and that's not good for your pool.
  • Don't Ignore the Weather: Don't start draining your pool if bad weather is coming. It's best to do this job when the weather is calm.
  • Don't Forget to Check the Rules: Some places have rules about where you can drain your pool water. Make sure you know these rules before you start.


Draining and refilling your pool is essential to keeping your swimming spot in top condition. From understanding when to do a pool drain to knowing how to drain and refill a pool, it's all about caring for your little oasis.

Whether it's for routine maintenance, water quality management, or repairs, remember that a successful pool refill starts with careful planning and attention to detail. By following the guidelines we've shared, you can ensure a smooth process, keeping your pool ready for endless hours of enjoyment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Pool Drain and Why Is It Necessary?

A pool drain means removing all the water from your pool. It's necessary for repairs, cleaning, and maintaining water quality. Draining lets you start fresh with clean, balanced water.

How to Drain Water From Pool?

To drain water from your pool:

  1. Use a submersible pump.
  2. Place it at the pool's bottom, attach a hose, and lead it to where you want the water to go.
  3. Turn on the pump and monitor the process.

How to Refill A Pool?

To refill a pool, simply attach a hose to your water source and place the other end in the pool, then turn on the water until the pool reaches the desired level.

How Long Does It Take to Refill Pool Water?

Refilling pool water typically takes several hours, depending on your pool's size and your water source. Plan for a day to ensure a complete and thorough refill.

What Are the Risks of Not Refilling a Pool Properly?

Not refilling a pool properly can lead to imbalanced water chemistry and potential structural damage. Ensure a proper pool refill by balancing chemicals and checking for leaks.

Can I Drain and Refill a Pool Myself?

Yes, you can drain and refill a pool, but it's important to follow safety guidelines, check local regulations, and consult a professional for the best results.

When Is the Best Time for a Swimming Pool Refill?

The best time for a swimming pool refill is during mild weather, typically in spring or fall. Avoid extreme temperatures and check local water rates for the most cost-effective timing.

How Often Should I Perform a Drain and Refill a Pool?

The frequency depends on usage and water quality. Generally, a full drain and refill are recommended every few years, but consult a pool professional for advice tailored to your pool.

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