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Is it okay to put Chlorine Tablets in the Pool Skimmer?

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Chlorine tablets are significant in pool maintenance and are known for their ease of use and effectiveness in keeping water clean and safe. Many pool owners ask, can you put chlorine tablets in the skimmer? Or wonder if using a chlorine tablet in the skimmer basket is advisable.

While placing chlorine tablets in skimmers is quite common, understanding the implications for pool health and equipment safety is important. This blog post will explore whether dropping chlorine tablets into your pool's skimmer is safe and effective or if other methods might better serve your pool's sanitation needs.

Understanding Chlorine Tablets and Skimmers

Chlorine tablets play a big role in keeping your pool water clean. They help kill germs and stop algae from growing. Imagine them as tiny cleaners swimming around your pool to keep it fresh and safe for everyone to swim in.

A skimmer is like a little basket on your pool's side. Its job is to catch leaves, bugs, and other debris before they get a chance to float around in your pool.

This helps keep the pool clean on the surface. So, what happens if you put chlorine tablets in a skimmer basket? Some people do this because it seems easy to ensure chlorine enters the pool.

Pros of Using Chlorine Tablets in Skimmers

Using chlorine tablets in your pool's skimmer basket can seem like a good option for a couple of reasons:

  • Convenience

One of the biggest advantages is how easy it is. Instead of needing special tools or methods, you can simply put a chlorine tablet in the skimmer basket. This straightforward way to add chlorine to your pool makes it popular for many pool owners.

  • Gradual Release

When you place chlorine tablets in the skimmer, they don't all dissolve at once. Instead, they slowly start to melt away as water from the pool flows over them. This slow melting process means that the chlorine is released gradually into the pool.

It helps keep the chlorine level in your pool steady over time. A consistent chlorine level means the water stays cleaner and safer for everyone to swim in.

Cons of Using Chlorine Tablets in Skimmers

While putting chlorine tablets in your skimmer might seem like an easy solution, it can cause some problems:

  • Equipment Damage

When you place chlorine tablets directly in the skimmer, and the pool pump is off, the tablets keep dissolving slowly. This creates a very strong chlorine solution right in the skimmer. If the pump starts up again after being off for a while, this strong chlorine water gets pushed through the pool system.

This can be harmful because the intense chlorine can damage the pool pump and the filters. It's like sending a sudden rush of a very strong cleaner through a machine that isn't ready for it, which can wear it out or break it down faster.

  • Unbalanced Chemical Distribution

Using chlorine tablets in the skimmer basket can also lead to uneven chlorine levels in your pool. Since the chlorine only enters the pool from the skimmer, areas far away from the skimmer might not get as much chlorine.

This means some pool parts could have too much chlorine and others not enough, which isn't safe and doesn't keep the pool clean everywhere.

  • Possible Damage to the Pool's Lining

Another issue happens when a lot of chlorine is stuck in one place, like the skimmer, and then it gets mixed into the pool when the pump turns on. This can cause very chlorinated water to flow onto the pool's lining, which can cause damage.

If this water with high levels of chlorine splashes against the pool tiles, it might bleach them or make them break down over time, just like how too much bleach can ruin clothes.

Safe Alternatives to Skimmer Usage

Although using chlorine tablets in your skimmer basket can be handy, there are safer ways to add chlorine to your pool that won't cause the problems we discussed. Here are two good options:

Floating Dispensers

A floating chlorine dispenser is a little device that floats around in your pool water. You can put chlorine tablets inside it, and it slowly lets out chlorine into the water as it moves around.

This is a great way to ensure chlorine spreads evenly everywhere in the pool. Since chlorine spreads slowly and spreads out well, it doesn't hurt the pool's pump or the lining. This keeps everything running smoothly and keeps your pool clean and safe.

Inline Chlorinators

Another good choice is using something called an inline chlorinator. You install this special tool in your pool's plumbing system. You put chlorine tablets in it, and as water passes through, it picks up a little bit of chlorine from the tablets and carries it into the pool.

This way, the chlorine gets mixed with the water before it returns to the pool, which helps protect your equipment and balances the chlorine level. Using an inline chlorinator is a smart way to help your pool stay in good shape and make sure everyone can enjoy a clean swim.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Add Chlorine Tablets to Pool

Properly adding chlorine tablets is essential for a clean and safe swimming environment. Here's a simplified guide to help you use these tablets effectively:

Step 1: Select Your Dispenser

  • Floating Dispenser: Suitable for smaller pools, it distributes chlorine evenly as it floats.
  • Automatic Feeder or Inline Chlorinator: Recommended for larger pools for precise chlorine release.

Step 2: Load the Chlorine Tablets

  • Fill your chosen dispenser with the appropriate number of chlorine tablets. Don't overload to avoid excessive chlorine.

Step 3: Adjust the Release Settings

  • Floating Dispenser: Set how fast the tablets dissolve by adjusting the openings.
  • Feeder/Chlorinator: Configure the feed rate to match your pool's size and usage.

Step 4: Position the Dispenser

  • Place the floating dispenser in the pool, or ensure your feeder/chlorinator is properly installed.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust

Step 6: Maintain the Dispenser

  • Keep the dispenser clean and functional by checking and cleaning it regularly. Replace tablets as they dissolve.

Can You Put Chlorine Tablets in Skimmer? (Conclusion)

It is not recommended. The skimmer and pump are vital for keeping your pool clean. When chlorine tablets are placed in the skimmer, they dissolve and create very acidic water. This harsh water can damage the filter's important parts, leading to costly replacements sooner than expected.

Instead, consider safer options like using a floating dispenser or an inline chlorinator to add chlorine to your pool. These methods help distribute chlorine evenly and protect your pool's equipment, ensuring it stays in great shape for longer. Always aim for methods that maintain both the cleanliness and the health of your pool's system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Put Chlorine Tablets In My Skimmer?

It's generally not advisable to put chlorine tablets directly in your skimmer. Doing so can lead to highly acidic water that might damage your pool's pump and filter. Alternative methods like a floating dispenser or an inline chlorinator can be used for safer chlorine distribution.

How To Add Chlorine Tablets To Pool Without Using The Skimmer?

The best way to add chlorine tablets to your pool without using the skimmer is by using a floating chlorine dispenser or an automatic feeder. These methods help ensure even chlorine distribution and prevent damage to your pool equipment.

Is It Safe To Use Chlorine Tablet In Skimmer?

Using a chlorine tablet in your skimmer is risky as it can cause severe damage to the pool's internal systems due to the acidic water formed when the tablet dissolves. It's better to use other methods for adding chlorine to your pool.

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